High-Risk Pregnancy

New to GD - chances of induction?

I haven't been officially diagnosed with GD yet (going in for my 3-hr on Wednesday) but because I failed the 1-hr miserably (196), I know the chances are high that I'll end up with GD.  I'm already trying to prepare myself mentally - researching, looking up low-card recipes, etc. - and am wondering about the chances of my OB inducing me.

Obviously this differs for everyone but am curious as to all those with GD, has your OB indicated there is a strong possibility you will be induced by or before your due date?  I'd love to avoid an induction but will obviously go with what my doctor thinks is safest.

I'm also wondering if this might have any impact on trying for a med-free birth... as in, does having GD, require more monitoring or medication during labor?


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