
IVF Seminar questions...

Hey Ladies!

My husband and I are starting our fourth and final IUI. I have issues with my cervix closing, and we just found out he has zero morphology. His next SA will be in July, but insurances covers IUI and he starts his new job with different insurance in a month so were taking advantage of one more free cycle. I just got off the phone with his new insurance and they cover NOTHING for fertility, no monitoring, no meds, no treatment, etc... So after this we will be taking a break for a while. We have decided to attend an IVF seminar next Thursday to give us an idea of what we want to do, and how long it will take us financially to get there. The seminar has a question & answer at the end.

Is there any questions you ladies can provide me with to ask? From your experience, what is important to know?

Thank you :) 

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