Babies: 3 - 6 Months

teething, tired momma. help!

My son is 5 1/2 months and is teething..bad...has been teething since he was about 2 1/2 months old but now its really kicking in. he has a tooth on the bottom that's been trying to come through for a little over a month now but still hasn't. and now he has one on the top coming in and he's teething like crazy. he likes the cold toys wash cloths etc, and is fine while he's playing but as soon as he starts to get tired all heck breaks loose. he wants to be held or in the swing in order to fall asleep. at night time once he's asleep he's good till morning but naps during the day he'll sleep in his crib for a hour max and wake up and you can tell he's still tired and i'll try to rock him back to sleep but it doesn't work. he wants to lay in the swing so i let him but as soon as i walk away he starts screaming...not sure how to get him out of the swing because he can't sleep in there forever...any ideas? 
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