Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Terrible diaper rash and constipation

My poor girl is having quite the time. She got shots which I think caused a 2 day poop binge. She was pooping with every diaper which caused a diaper rash. It was awful! It was so raw and blistered. Every time she pooped it would bleed. We have been doing everything we can. Naked time, special baths, keeping her really dry, Rx ointment. The rash FINALLY started healing the end of last week but then this weekend she got really constipated. It was so sad! She would just SCREAM when she tried to go. Yesterday, I gave her a little apple juice to try to move things along. It didn't seem to do much so we had to give her a suppository. Finally last night she went and has a few times since then. It's really hard but at least it's moving along. But now that made the diaper rash start bleeding again... I think from the hard pushing. I just can't seem to get things under control. Do any of you ladies have any great advice for helping the diaper rash and/or constipation? I will try anything at this point... I just don't want her in pain anymore.
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