Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Anyone have success cutting down (but not out) night nursing?

Hi ladies. We've struggled with night time but have gotten to a point that I can put my LO down in his crib for bedtime sleepy but awake. We have a consistent bedtime, which does include nursing as the last step, but I am careful to put him down awake. Sometimes he'll fuss a bit but will go to sleep really quickly. However, he still calls for me every two to three hours at night and I nurse him every time. Now that he is really eating a lot of solid foods, it is time to cut down - but not cut out completely - on the night nursing and want to hear ideas on how to do this successfully.

Does this plan sound dumb? Pick a timeframe that is reasonable for me to nurse him. Final goal would be something like before 11 pm and after 6 am. Initially I would start with shorter timeframe to train his tummy to go longer and longer without eating. During that time, if he wakes, Daddy goes in and checks on him and comforts. Do the Ferber type checks until he falls asleep. When he wakes before 11 and after 6, I will go in and nurse him. 

The down side to any plan to me is that I can't be totally consistent because we are not ready to night wean completely. I don't want to totally confuse him and cause more stress/tears. Anyone have other ideas? 

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