Babies: 3 - 6 Months

weekend naps

How seriously do you stick to your nap schedule on weekends? My daughter just turned 4 months and takes 3 naps a day...She is also EBF and takes about 40-45 minutes to nurse. I feel like our day consists of eating and sleeping ...which during the week when I am home (On a 1 year maternity leave) is fine- but it's very hard to ever leave the house...I feel like by the time she wakes up, eats and we drive somewhere it is time for the next nap! 

She has also hit that point where she won't just sleep in her stroller or in a lap anymore if she is tired..she just gets cranky and upset until we get her home in her bed. I try to keep her on her schedule as much as I possibly can, but sometimes you gotta get out of the house! 

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