Attachment Parenting

Talk to me, ladies: Ergo vs. K'tan

I need a carrier for my chubster. He is 2.5 months and pushing 14 pounds. I'm a tiny person (4'10") and he is just getting too heavy for me to carry around all day long. I love the idea of a k'tan (or mei tai, always wanted to try one of those) and the versatility of it, but I know it has to be the right size for each individual. If I got a XS, FI wouldn't be able to use it (he is 6') so I'd have to get another one for him. (maybe, if he wants it)...

The ergo is adjustable, but it is more than twice the price of a k'tan, and even if I get 2 k'tans (because FI is so much bigger than I am), an ergo is still more..., but is it worth it? Can you front-face in an ergo? I feel like that's an important feature for curious babies, and I know you can front-face in the k'tan.

Opinions on both are welcome!

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