Babies: 0 - 3 Months


How far after birth did anyone try to go tanning. I'm not looking at it so much to get color but as quick dose of sunlight to help get me feeling like myself. All of our family are hundreds of miles away and once my mom leaves I'm really on my own most of the day while my DH is at work. I'm used to being outside a lot and being stuck indoors so much is really not helping these baby blues. I try to get out twice a day for quick walks with my LO but the heat here in NC is too much for him most of the day. It's also been raining a lot so there hasn't been much natural sunlight. My friends back in the north east, especially ones who had babies in the winter said they went tanning to help get that sunlight and vitamin D boost.

I was just thinking while I still have my moms help I'd pop in for just a few mins once or twice a week just so I feel my best for when she leaves. Anyone else find any help getting some extra sunlight?
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