Attachment Parenting

update on my toddler post 2 months later

Not sure if anyone recalls my post, but I was the momma who had been AP mostly since birth, but was struggling with discipline had tried spanking as a last ditch; it failed and I was really upset by it. Just wanted to share an update and hope it is helpful to others!

Anyway, since I took lots of advice from you ladies and did some soul searching, we have been using gentle tactics again and we have been very successful lately. With redirection, my DD has been doing much more "helping", like picking up toys. She is also responding within reason when she is asked.
My H and I talked about her real needs and wants vs. What we want or need her to do, and how to balance the two. By listening to her, we have helped her learn to listen better to us.
We've had some difficulty as well but over all a huge improvement, and all thanks to you ladies encouraging me to get back to doing what felt right.

Thanks so much!
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