Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Advice Needed! LO getting off the bottle

What would you do in my shoes? Here's the situation:

-LO is 10 months old.

-She nurses well at home but has been taking pumped milk from the bottle at DC.

-The past 2 months she has been slowly refusing her bottle more and more. Last week she had 3 days of daycare where she took 2oz total all day and 2 days where she completely refused all milk from the bottle.

-She will not take milk from the sippy cup (we've been trying for a while), though she will take sips of water from the cup.

-She eats a good variety of purreed foods well.

-I am perfectly happy with the idea of her weaning off the bottle. I will continue to nurse her for as long as she's interested in nursing.

My questions:

For daycare tomorrow should I pack a bottle? If so do I pack formula or breastmilk? Keep in mind that if I pack breastmilk it will need to be frozen breastmilk that will need to be dumped at the end of the day if she refuses it. If it's formula I don't mind dumping it (formula bottles are usually only packed as the "just in case she needs it" bottle of the day).

Should I stop pumping now? (I have about 20-30oz of frozen milk stashed)
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