
"Taking the easy way out..."

I know that some women say they have heard this before but I haven't, until yesterday. Most of the time, I am trying to convince people that I trust my doctors and while it is major surgery, more times than not, everything goes smoothly and I will be fine. This time, I find myself trying to defend how me laying on a table having my stomach cut wide open multiple times (for multiple children) and then going through the recovery, with children, is in no way the easy way out. 

No, I don't prefer a vaginal, I am just fine with my c-section but that doesn't mean that it will be easy. I have 2 other children at home to take care of, while still trying to recover. People can be so rude, usually I would have said something somewhat inappropriate but she's my step mother so... ya know!

Just needed to vent. 

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