High-Risk Pregnancy


I have lurked on here a few times, so thought its time to introduce myself,  I am from the Dec 2013 board. I am considered high risk due to our daughter being born very early in Nov 2011 at 24 weeks. There was no explanation as to why our little girl came early, I had a very normal pregnancy up until that point. On Dec 2nd 2011 we had to say goodbye to our baby girl Lily-Beth, after her first birthday we decided to try again, which is why i am here.

we are now 13 weeks pregnant with baby #2, will be starting progesterone shots at 16 weeks up until 36 weeks, I am hopeful that we will get to bring our baby home this time.

 I look forward to chatting and sharing with you ladies on this board, from what I can see you all seem very supportive. I wish you all a very healthy pregnancy :)

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