Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Who else will baby let hold him?

My MIL is determined to say we have "spoiled" our DS. We only see her once a month maybe. So whenever I take him to see her, he cries...loudly. Ive had to tell her several times she has to smile and talk to him sometimes to get positive energy back from him, shes always whining about how he's looking for me, well why wouldnt he? Oh and 'he doesn't know me' is the big line because she wants to be his sitter. (not an option) He's only 5 months, theres not a lot of passing around the baby during the week, so he knows his sitter, his parents and his big sister. He actually will let other people hold him when they are smiling and cooing with him, so if she didn't waste time baulking about whats not happening, maybe she would have a better reception? IDK. -vent over.
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