1st Trimester

Not sure where to post -- I keep getting different places to post.

I wanted to start off by saying, hello and thank you for the help! :)


My son is almost 10 months old. I haven't had a period since November 2011. I have been breastfeeding and supplementing formula (I can't seem to produce enough for him to purely breastfeed), so I still haven't gotten my period.

 A week ago, I noticed I had very light spotting. It seemed like a few drops of blood only. The same thing happened when I was pregnant with my son, my doctor said it was implantation last time. I'm not sure if that is what it is now as well. 

 I took a few pregnancy tests this week, 6 days after the bleeding, and 3 have come up with faint pregnancy lines and the the other 4 have come up with just the control line. They are extremely faint, but there is something there. I should mention I'm not using store bought pregnancy tests, I am using the hcg pregnancy test strips, nothing fancy. 

 I'm not sure when I should be testing or if I should just get a blood test taken to be sure. I have PCOS and with my son I didn't show a positive test for a few weeks after the implantation. 

I'm sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section :( I tried Googling the answer, but everything kept coming up with 'last missed period' and my last period was November 2011, so I can't really go by that. Plus, I got pregnant the first time AFTER my missed period date. My periods have always been irregular, so I'm not shocked.

TTC thread told me to come over here and possibly first trimester, so I'm posting here. Thank you for your help :) 


Thanks again for the help! 

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