Babies: 0 - 3 Months


Okay, I have been doing some research on the internet, both about SIDS and about ADHD (Since my husband has it). While I always thought ADD and ADHD were just kids being uncontrolled, I saw firsthand what it does. My husband cannot for the life of him finish a project. He currently has five right now, none of which are past the 80% finish mark. He cannot focus on one thing either, he tries, but he can't. Anyways, this made me look around on the internet to see if ADHD was hereditary or not.

While doing so, I learned that babies who had slept on their back were diagnosed with ADD or ADHD more often than babies who didn't. The gist of many websites were that the babies who slept on their back were always in a lighter mode of sleep, they hardly ever went into the deep, neuron repairing sleep. This kinda made me sad because you either risk losing your child or risk having them have some sort of problem later on (ADD, ADHD, and Autism has been linked to back sleeping). Of course I would choose the latter for eternity if there was a choice. Just, it made me wish there was a way to combat SIDS and make sure our children are getting the rest they need to have healthy repairs to their fragile system.

Here are some links which I thought were interesting:

Dr. Park

A blog with some graphs and stuff.

I am no way saying I am not going to put my son on his back ever again. I am just thinking aloud here and am wondering if anyone else has looked into this as well? Your thoughts?

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