Babies: 0 - 3 Months

IUD Issues

Hello all! I haven't posted here before. I've been on TTCAL and have had a change of plans. Anyway, I went and got my third IUD on Thursday. My other experiences were not too great but far less painful then the last one I had. The doctor checked my uterus size and put the IUD in (Mirena) and then he checked it with an ultrasound and said the position was good. I started having severe back and leg pain as soon as I left the office. I toughed it out for a few hours thinking it'd get better but wound up back the office at 9pm to have it taken out. He said he thought it may have been pressing on part of my uterus and that was causing the pain. As soon as he took it out I had immediate relief. He said he felt like it didn't perforate my uterus. I had little to no spotting the day of IUD and the day after he took it out but then today I passed a small clot and I'm having light bleeding. For those of you that had bad experiences with an IUD and had to have it taken out right away what was your experience? 
DH, Jared 7/28/01; DD, Isabella Grace 11/28/06; said good-bye to baby 2 5/09 (11.5 weeks); said good-bye to Dakota Blu 11/09 (11.5 weeks); DS, Benjamin Cruz 12/6/10; said good-bye to babies 5 and 6 09/12 (8 weeks)

March Siggy Challenge, Irish Hottie: Dolores O'Riordan


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