Single Parents

New here...

I'm new here. I'm 28, mom to a one and only born April 3rd, 2012. I'm a type 1 diabetic and I'm a nurse. I became pregnant right before nursing school while living with BD. He did nothing but piss me off while I was pregnant and then closer to her birth we started getting alone. Everything was okay until I went back to nursing school. My program was insanely strict. His mom would babysit DD during the day while I was in class and he was supposed to come watch her on his days off. One week he didn't meet us at his moms so my DD didn't even get to see him that week. His mom had taken DD to go buy baby chicks (his mom has a farm) and they both ended up getting a viral infection that was going around. His mom took DD to the doctor who is my mom's partner (my mom's a Ped and her partner is family practice and also my doctor) and he told her she needed to take care of herself because she was looking dehydrated. His mom wasn't drinking enough and she wasn't eating. So she ended up in the hospital due to kidney failure. BD had called me while I was at clinicals and I returned his phone call when we were allowed a break. He was supposed to be caring for our daughter and instead he left her with a family friend and didn't tell me where or anything, so I was pissed. I asked him and he never gave me a straight answer. So I went to go see his mom and he had told his family that I was upset because his mom was sick and couldn't care for our daughter. Total lie! I knew his mom was sick and we had even arranged back up day care just in case. We have amazing family friends, so my daughter had 3 people lined up just to make sure my daughter would be cared for. After I told him to go eff himself for the last time and was finally taken to go get my daughter, I e-mailed his mom that I want nothing to do with him or them. When his mom got out of the hospital, she called my mom...trying to get my mom to go behind my back to let them see my DD. BD's mom said that BD was scared of me. I told my mom that it's none of his mom's business and it's between me and him. I told my mom if she tried something like that I'd cut her out of the picture too. So when his mom called my mom again, she told her it wasn't her business and it's between me and BD. So he hasn't had any contact with my DD since she was 2.5 months old. 

She is not lacking in male role models in her life, because she goes have 2 god fathers that love her to death! (They're gay, they're married and we all go to Temple together because we're Jewish) My mom's husband  is very involved as well as even my babysitter/friend's boyfriend, extended family uncles and our Rabbi. 

I pay for all my daughter's stuff out of my pocket and I make enough money where we aren't hurting at all. BD doesn't pay child support or anything. Actually he didn't even sign her birth certificate, so if he wants anything to do with her, he can jump through hoops and also pay back child support. His lawyer told him he would be paying $400 a month.

Just thought I'd give you all my back story and stuff and say hello.

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