Attachment Parenting

Stroller Question

Hey all! FTM here- we are currently trying to decide what car seat/stroller to get. My plan is to baby wear often, so I am not sure what type of stroller to get. Most people I talk to recommend these expensive travel systems, but most don't baby wear, so they get more use out of them.

I see people haul around these huge infant seats, and I really just can't imagine doing that. I am sure I will use it to take baby in/out of the house in cold weather, but not into stores, etc.

So, how much do you use a stroller vs. baby wearing? Am I being naive in thinking that I won't use a stroller all too often? Just to give you an idea, we live in a suburb- drive most places. We walk the dog usually 4 miles a day, so trying to decide whether wearing or stroller would be easier for that.

Any stroller recommendations?


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