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Today was my orientation and also hella crazy

mobile: Today was my orientation and also hella crazy

For those who don't remember me from the check-in (plus an intro that I later DD'd) because I realized how much identifying info it had in it) I am in the process of becoming an egg donor.  

Today was my orientation; I've been fully aware of it for ages. 

And planning for it, and knowing I had plenty of time, because today was a study day, except for a practice presentation for my boss at 4pm.

 Until 8am this morning, when I get a call--the hospital's usual biomechanical engineer is sick, and without me they can't see patients today. (!)  Did I mention the orientation is 45min-1hr away, in the middle of the day?  The orientation ended at the exact same time one patient was supposed to arrive.  So, that patient first got all the parts of their visit that I wasn't needed for, while I drove back like a bat out of hell.

I came, I bio-mechics-ed, my brain was so frazzled it took me a second to figure out the elevator. These familiar....

So I'm ded.  BUT I did it!  Every scheduled patient was seen, I made the orientation, I even met with my boss (late) about my (unfinished) presentation. 

Orientation was mostly stuff I'm only familiar with because of you ladies :) Shots etc. I have the scoop thanks to you gals. There were a handful of other potential donors there. I was *shocked* by how many showed up late.  Dependability is kinda key to this gig, you know?  Some ladies were obviously truly serious about it, others I doubt will really sign up.  I liked the doctor.  I'm really happy with the clinic I picked so far :)  

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