Babies: 0 - 3 Months

stroller debate

Hi, my LO isn't due until September but I thought this might be the best place to post my question since I can get answers from moms who have actually used strollers and have experience with the pros and cons of the different types. After MUCH research and debating and looking at just about EVERY stroller out there I have narrowed my list down to 2 that I love but can't seem to choose one over the other. The 2 strollers are the JJ Cole Broadway and the Uppababy Vista (I know there are many more great ones out there but after careful thought I really don't want to overcomplicate things by adding more back onto my list) They both share some features that I love but here are the main pros for each one that the other one does not have: Uppababy: comes with SPF 50 sun shade, bug shade, and rain shade (I live in South Florida so all of these are a necessity). The Broadway has available bug and rain shades but you have to buy them separately. Large easy to access storage space underneath for all our stuff (Broadway has a basket which is supposedly a decent size but annoying to access b/c of the wheel base) Ability to purchase an add on toddler seat if we have a 2nd child (hopefully) without buying a whole new stroller cup holders Broadway: 360 spin without having to take the seat out when I want to turn the baby so I can switch between forward and backward whenever I need (this seems like a really cool feature to me) you can get the Newport car seat that is specifically made for the stroller (Uppababy's can be used with certain Graco or Chicco models but I don't know how easy it really would be to adapt them. They have their own coming out sometime this summer but I have no idea how much it will cost). Toddler seat and bassinet is one convertible piece (2 separate in the Uppababy...not a concern for a while but eventually will be) The prices on both average out to be within $100 of each other ($650ish for Broadway and $720ish for Uppababy). My mom has already offered to buy the stroller and is aware of the cost (she is probably happy I no longer like the Stokke she was going to get me). The only cost difference is if we buy the Uppababy we will have to buy a car seat separate which for about $150 isn't a big deal so I'm not worried about the negligible price difference between the 2 strollers. So sorry for being so long but if you have any stroller experiences to share (with these or others) that can help me decide what's more important (like 360 spin vs storage) I would gladly appreciate your input. Thanks!
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