Atlanta Babies


I am spitting mad right now. I just can't believe that once again we were not notified that our child needed medical attention. For those counting this is twice in 2 weeks. Dh picked B up today to discover that he had a raging case of pink eye. I dropped him off this morning and his eyes were fine. I called DC and they transferred me back to the teacher that was there all day. She proceeded to tell me that she was wiping goop out of his eyes since late morning and that she noticed they were red and puffy, but didn't call me b/c he was happy. Well guess what now he is miserable and it's hard for me to get him relief w/ the dr's office being closed.

I don't understand: 

1) WHY were we not called

2) WHY did you continue to allow him to play with other kids?!?!

So now by the time I got home he has a raging case of double pink eye and the pediatrician is closed. I was able to get a hold of the on call and they called in an RX but I am pissed b/c by tomorrow he could have had 24hrs of the drops under his belt. I don't know how much clearer I can make it that I DO NOT WANT MY CHILD SITTING AT DC IF HE IS SICK!!!! Am I wrong to be completely livid?  How do you allow a kid with pink eye to stay and play with the other kids?? How does it not strike you as odd that you are wiping green goop out of both of his eyes constantly?? I am on the wait list for primrose by my house. DC here is not a dime a dozen and this center has stellar reviews from parents and had not had any state violations. I am pretty upset. WWYD?

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