Baby Showers

MIL's longer than expected guest list

My mother-in-law and sister-in-law have kindly offered to host a baby shower for me.  My SIL asked for a guest list, and I sent about 10-15 names to her, mainly made up of their family members that I've gotten to know in the year in a half since I married my husband (her brother) and moved to Minnesota.  I mentioned in the note that the list was pretty short, but that I didn't want to add a bunch of people since, honestly, I still don't know many of their extended family members and family friends well at all.

Well, a couple of days later, my mother-in-law returned with a list almost three times as long.  It includeds many of her extended family members and friends who I met two years ago at the bridal shower they threw for me.  The bridal shower was really nice, and was thrown a week after I moved to the state.  It was sort of an introduction to their family and friends, and it actually didn't seem awkward that I didn't know anyone there besides my future MIL and SIL.

However, this time it has me concerned.  Many of the ladies on the list I haven't seen since that bridal shower and the wedding reception a couple of months later.  They are MIL's work friends, second cousins, and other people like that with whom I just don't cross paths.  I fear they will think they're always having to go to some gift-giving event for me - someone they don't know well either.  I expressed this concern to my MIL, but she wants to go with her longer guest list.

So, is this a just grin and bear it situation?  They're all really kind ladies and I'm thankful for the shower, I just don't want them thinking "Oh great, another shower for Kathy's daughter-in-law."  Have any of you been in similar situations?  Do you have any advice?

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