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NBSR, paying for lunch?

I work a rotating schedule and am unable to attend church regularly because of that. It's a church my IL's introduced me to, I like it very much and also enjoy going to lunch with them after service. This is on average 2x every 7 to 8 weeks or so. I always pay. I don't mind paying because, well, it's only 2x every couple months and they're pretty awesome as far as IL's go.

I'm going to be on maternity leave from early July until just after New Year's. I am really REALLY looking forward to being able to attend like a "normal" person and not just sporadically. I'm kind of worried about the treating to lunch thing though. I still may want to go grab lunch after because it's kind of far from home for me, about 40 miles, and the kids will be famished... But I can't afford a sit down every week, and I can't afford to pay for all of us every single week.

Saying so would be awkward as all get out. I'm wondering what I can say or do that would drop the hint? MIL is very gracious but FIL doesn't pick up on social cues very easily at all. They are not in a position to pay either and I wouldn't want them to on a regular basis.
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