Special Needs

SPD+, I don't know how to "describe" DD

So there have been some situations that have come up or are coming up that I kind of need to describe DD's SPD, motor/speech/feeding/emotional delays not to mention the physiological aspect of her issues. She is very very possibly mitochondrial which to some medical people and therapists mean something. But to some family, even with understanding of therapies, daycare teachers, daycare admins, and some work people (I know I don't have to but we are in the middle of some major political BS so it's watch your back, play nice, need to know info).

I wish I could say DD is just DD but no one but me gets it - no one. She is high funtioning, possibly higher than she should be at this age cognitively which is a major blessing but challange with all the delays. Like being trapped in a hard body and different neuro rhythm.

I want to be able to get her the assistance (without forms for now as she is only about 2 and in daycare) she needs, talk to understanding family/friends one on one, and blurb to work in a sentence or 2 when people/bosses ask how she is doing per I have been on FMLA a lot of shifts lately. Do I just say she has/is special needs, I know that SPD is neuro-based like ASD but it is not the same (no confirming that she is not ASD but a lot of signs point to not fully ASD - which in and of itself is a symptom of mito), or do I just say she has a mitochondrial disease with delays since they don't know she hasn't been diagnosed yet?

Sorry this has really been frustrating and confusing to me as even with labels people can't understand without going into everything since she has many issues and labels are still labels. It is need to know at school now because her body is getting so tired and withdrawling at daycare and waterplay starts this week. And the biting and feeding. She needs some accommadations (sp? sorry) but to be understood that she is high functioning. Any help would be great and I am going to re-read and hope no offense is made by word choices in this post.

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