Special Needs

Way too big a brag to hide below

I'm just blown away by my kid tonight.

After weeks of him talking about how much he's looking forward to summer and no school, we sat him down tonight to talk about the extended school year proposal. We told him how proud we and his teachers are at how far he's come, and that his teachers are worried that he'll forget a lot of what he's learned if he doesn't do any school work over the summer, and he immediately replied with, "so does that mean I have to go to school on the summer?" We explained the program to him, and he seemed sad, because he though it would me that he wouldn't get to do anything fun with us this summer. Once we explained that there would still be plenty of time for us to do all the things we discussed, but he'd miss swim team (which he's been apprehensive about anyway), he declared, "Then I'm in!"

His only other questions were if his friends would be their, if he could still go to the pool with us in the afternoons, and if he'd have homework. I was completely overwhelmed by his reaction and mature choice.  We were prepared to tell him that if he didn't want to go but participate in swim team, we'd have a math tutor come in twice and an English tutor twice a week throughout the summer, but we didn't even have to suggest it as an alternative. He seemed excited, and told us he wants to go to school in the summer because he wants to "be smarter than all the people!"

After our discussion, he immediately asked if he could tell his nanny and his brother. We've checked in with him several times tonight, and he really seems okay and even happy about this. My kid who always says he hates school and who has tried everything on the past to get out of it, just volunteered to go to summer school! I'm completely and totally blown away. 

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