
I can't handle the attitude anymore

I just cried, like sobbing cried, because my just-graduated preschooler threw such unnecessary attitude at me and his sister because he was frustrated.  I get it, he's 4 and frustrated, but the ugly faces, attitude and throwing things when I'm trying to help him just has to stop.

We had a nice morning with him having a party for finishing pre-k.  Lovely weather and he wanted to ride his bike before lunch once we were home.  Ok, let's go.  He gets mad at me because I accidently nicked his neck when putting on his helmet and ran down the street and gave me a hard time coming back.  I apologized and finally he's riding his bike.  Near the end, he abandoned his bike in the street when he was crossing to go back home.  By the time I caught up, he refused to take the bike up into the garage.  Grumpy attitude and making statements like "Well, YOU push it back into the garage!" and "I don't care if I leave it and someone might take it!"  Once in the house and I'm cooking lunch, he is grumpy and demanding lunch.  I tell him I'm making it, so please wash your hands.  Suddenly, he shoves his sister a bit, who was on the chair at the sink washing her hands, slams the cabinet and then throws something that was on the stairs down onto the floor, all while having the meanest face. 


I lost it and told him to go to his room until he feels better. After a bit, he comes out, we talk about why he's so grumpy.  He tells me it's because he couldn't get the bike across the street.  I tell him I understand it's frustrating, but when we can't do something, we either think of a solution or ask for help, not take it out on others.  He gets all argumentative again, with the same mean face, and I just lose it again. I yelled at him, sent him to his room again.  We made up, but he told me to "get off of me" when I hugged him.  I made lunch, but cried in the living room. 

I just wanted to  have him ride his bike after a nice morning and then have him wash his hands before lunch.  I feel like he's always mad at me and arguing against what I'm saying.  It's really bringing me down. 

Sorry this was long.  :(

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