Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

XP: Stroller with true "upright" position

XP from Nursery & Baby Gear

I can't believe I'm even posting this because I regularly respond to posts about the City Mini GT with how much I love it - and I do.  It's an awesome stroller . . . but, we've recently noticed that even in its most upright position with the straps in the correct placement, DS (14 months) still ends up sort of reclined/slouched over.  Basically, the only way for him to sit up straight and hold on to the belly bar or snack tray would be if we loosened the straps and he held himself up straight (i.e., his back would not be against the seat) - and that doesn't sound all that comfy.  Or, maybe he wouldn't mind that but I don't think it seems safe to have the straps that loose. 

 So . . . does anyone have/know of a stroller that allows kids to sit truly upright?


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