High-Risk Pregnancy

pregnant with RA- sorry it's a long one

Hi Ladies-

 I have a question for a friend of mine who just found out she was pregnant.  She has pretty severe RA and has been taking Xeljanz (Class C).   She got married April 20th and that was the only time they didn't use a condom (3 times in 12 hours, but still took Plan B)  They had always planned on having kids but she wanted to clear her body of the meds prior to even starting (and the Drs always told her that with the RA she would have a really hard time getting pregnant - if she could at all!)

She han't gotten her period in months due to some prednisone she took right before the wedding.  However, she finally went to the OB to get something to jump-start her period and she had a positive blood test and urine test. 

She is pretty freaked out (not because she is pregnant- which is wild and is exciting) but because she has been taking the meds while she was unknowingly pregnant.  The doctor has a call into a specialist at Johns Hopkins re: RA and she has an ultrasound planned for tomorrow.  Both her husband and she are worried about the RA mediciation during the past few weeks/months.

Do any of you ladies suffer from RA or know anything about taking a class C mediciation while in the early stages of pregnancy?    FYI- She has, of course, stopped the meds.

If you got through all of this- thanks for reading :)

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