January 2012 Moms

Curious what other moms would do...

Just want some opinions....


Nash still wakes 2-3x a night and will only fall back asleep if he gets a bottle. He was STTN right when he turned a year old, sometimes would wake at 4am for a paci. He was recently sick with a cold in his eyes, then a cold, then pneumonia! While he was sick, I would sleep with him, in his room, on the spare bed in there. He would sleep great in the big bed.

 Long story short--should I transition him to the big bed where he is comfortable at 16 months old and hope the bottle waking nonsense goes away on it's own? Or reduce bottle ounces, CIO, or whatever method breaks the mold to get rid of the bottle while he is still in his crib?(I have tried CIO before and some nights it worked, others he would cry for 3 hours) 


Thanks Ladies!  

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