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Why is MH being difficult??

He was never really in this whole lets spend $ to have a baby. He is doing it for me and I am very grateful.

I emailed DE coordinator yesterday saying I'm going out of country and will have no phone but willl check my emails JUST in case a miracle happens...haha. She emailed me this morning and said I'm really close and how would I feel about a redhead...more muted strawberry blonde. I said yes but then she was with an agency so she was out.

I told MH this and he said we agreeded no red heads...NOTHING agaisnt them but not everyone knows what we are doing. I said it's more blonde and at this point...2 yrs into this I could care less about color! He knows some babies have hair color not in the family.

Sorry so long. I'm crying...wish he left for work already but hanging around since I'm leaving later for 10 days. Maybe this trip will do me good and stop obsessing.

I envy those of you who get support from YH or SO. Just feeling like stopping this and getting on with our lives. Thanks for listening. Didn't know where else to vent.

If I don't respond later it's because I'm at the airport :)

ME:44 MH:42 DE IVF 2013
image Matrix image Ollie
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