Attachment Parenting

Sleeping 16 month old....

My dd is 16 months. We have been cosleeping part of the night. We used to nurse to sleep in our bed and then I would sometimes move her to her crib so that I could have some time to myself in the evening. Then at her first waking I would bring her into our bed and nurse throughout the night.Lately she has been falling asleep without nursing YAY :) However for the past few nights in the evening she won't even go in our room. I try nursing her in another room and then carrying her in there while nursing and as soon as I make it through the door she starts crying. Last night she got so upset that she was just laying on the floor crying and I couldn't do anything to sooothe her.She eventally calmed down and fell asleep laying on the carpet. She is such a happy baby and I just don't know how to make her transition into sleep better. Any ideas?
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