Special Needs

Regression question

Hey ladies- I am wondering if anyone else has experienced what seems to be a regression in bearing weight on legs?

Thanks to y'alls wonderful advice, we are on the wait list for a new Dev. Peds- 3-4 months. (Feel like all I do is wait)   

I am just wondering if I should make an effort to get him back to our Rehab Dr sooner, rather than his next check up in 2 months to dicuss this?  He was regularly attempting to hold our fingers and stand, even bounce on his legs.  This has basically ceased.  He is still making no effort to crawl/cruise/pull up/ get in/out of sitting etc.

He also seems to be doing some random jerky movements/ticks with his hands.  I am unsure if that is him just exploring his new movements he can make or not.

 With everything that we keep coming across with him, I never know if I am being silly or not when I notice new things happening. 

(Short background in case it helps- Torticollis/Hypontonia (upper limbs). Plagiocephaly, Gross motor delay- just turned 12 months old ) 

TTC with Endo-DX-10 yrs ago
IUI#1-April 2010- Clomid 100mg, Ovidrel and timed intercourse= BFN
IUI #2- Cancelled due to cysts
IUI #3- June 2010- Clomid, Ovidrel and timed intercourse= BFN
Break due to DH deployment
Lap #7 Dec 2010- this time my Colon was adhered to my abdominal wall
Since the start of our journey, new issues along with original Endo, 3 MFI unexplained, Cervical Stenosis, AMH .08, Low AFC, 2 blocked tubes
IVF #1 - ET 09/18-Transferred 2 Embryos
Beta #1 09/29-23 Beta #2 10/01- 52 Beta #3 10/05-342!! Lil Cub born 5/20
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