3rd Trimester

Sooooooo ready!

So was back in the hosp yesterday for contractions...they got to 3 min apart and still only dialated 1 cm..since the contractions were painful they decided to do a therapeutic rest which consists of shots of morphine in the butt and being in a dark room and passing out...this is supposed to stop te contractions if you're not in true labor...so after sleeping for 3 hrs here were my findings...

1. Contractions did not stop so I'm in a slow progressing labor

2. I'm allergic to morphine....woke up itching like crazy...finally got Benadryl to stop that

3.  I'm so annoyed that since I'm 38 wks and c-sec scheduled for next week that they are doing so much to keep me pregnant that I'm still contracting ...in pain...and not dialating....just take this baby out of me already!!!!!! 



On a happy not my mom took me to get a mani/pedi today and my c-sec as of 8a tomorrow is 8 days away! 

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