Baby Showers

WWYD? Double Gifted

One of MIL's friends, who's a super nice lady that I get along well with, gave us gifts twice. The first at my baby shower (in October) and again at my BIL's fiance's bridal shower this weekend---she handed me a card at the end, said she'd bought it after the baby was born and forgot to pass it along for me. I was trying to get out/home to feed LO, and didn't really click that she'd already given us a gift until I was in my car.


Both were very generous gifts. Of course I wrote a TY for the first gift, but now I'm freaking out, maybe she didn't get it? (MIL did the address your own envelope thing, so I can only assume she addressed it right).

What do I do? Do I re-mention the first gift? DH says no, that it might make her feel bad. I'm already worried she didn't get the first TY and may already feel bad.

My first inclination was to offer to return it, but I can't see how I would do that without it being offensive hurtful.

 What on earth is the best etiquette for this situation?  

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