Colorado Babies

Daycare options

I'm working in the DTC area and looking for some sort of child care in the near vicinity. I'm a single Mom and in a bit of a transition as far as housing goes at the moment, so it's been difficult to try and figure out the best arrangement.

I can't afford most of the actual established daycare centers, and was looking into alternatives. Ideally, I'd love to find someone in the area that would be interested in doing a nanny share (hiring a nanny and sharing the cost), it seems like we could get one for around $400 a week, so if I could find a family with 1 or 2 kids of their own we may be able to make this affordable. If anyone already has a nanny and would be willing to work with this arrangement that would be great. Alternatively, if anyone knows of any good home day care centers in the area I'd love a recommendation.


I'm due 6/30 so she won't be in day care until mid-August.  Let me know if anyone is interested/has any recommendations on day care options.


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