High-Risk Pregnancy

2vc club foot :o

Two weeks ago I had an u/s. I have to have them every 4 weeks bc of a two vessel cord. When I had this u/s two weeks ago LOs right leg was, I guess, "tucked" under her left.
Today I had an u/s to check up on this. The perinatal dr did the u/s and he was not sure about her left foot but her right foot is most likely clubbed. They of course cant say for sure til she arrives. This is my first pregnancy and I don't know how at all to react. I burst into weeping tears in the u/s room.
Then met with the dr and she informed me I did not pass my GD test. I couldn't possible intake any less sugar than I do currently because I pay very much attention to that.
My Down's syndrome, NT, and trisomy 18 tests in the first tri all came back with very good results and I was told if I didn't want to further testing was not necessary.
Just venting perhaps. I'm just in full panic mode and don't know what to think or do about any of this. Thanks for listening.
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