
CS one year later

My son just turned one. At 32 weeks I found out that he was breach and did everything I could to flip him. I went to both a chiropractor and massage therapist, watched TV upside down on a board, did the insense thing, and finally tried an external chepalic version. Obviously, none of it worked. I was devestated and cried for two weeks leading up to the scheduled cs. I had planned on a natural med free birth and beyond losing that wish I was also scared of the scar I would carry forever.

Everyone talked about the "shelf" and puckering and how bad it looked. I was never able to find a picture to ease my mind. Everything was mostly just directly post partum. So, I know its kind of graphic but I really wanted to help just one other mom who was scared if I could so I'd like to share my cs at one year pp.

I don't hate it like I thought I would. I'm actuallly really amazed at how well it looks just after one year. DS was totally worth it and your LO is too.

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