Pregnanct after a Loss

Question for C-Section Mamas

So I was told today - under no circumstances can I go into labor, so they'll be scheduling c-section between 36 and 37 weeks. This is because I had extensive surgery on my uterus last year. When I first had the surgery I was told this was the likely scenario and I cried for several days knowing I'd never be able to give birth on my own so I guess I've kind of mourned that loss and I'm over it. At least it's fast and easy and I can plan ahead I guess. Silver linings.

Anyone else in the 'required' c-section category? Doesn't 36-37 weeks seem kinda early? Will baby end up in the NICU?

Also, how they can guarantee I won't have any contractions, aren't BH contractions pretty common in 3rd tri?

Here's to hoping my uterus doesn't bust open. Ugh.

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