3rd Trimester

Who is tired of being asked if they are having twins?

When I run into strangers, if they have the nerve to say anything, I am always asked if I am having twins. I am not as upset today as I was 10 min after it happened yesterday. I was at wonderful walmart, and an older couple in there 70's I would say, was taking up the entire isle so I said excuse me and got around. The both of them looked at me like I was from outer space!

He says "you are about to pop!" I just smiled and looked for what I was looking for. He says again "are you having twins?" Annoyed, I said No.  I glanced over and the wife was staring at me, freaked me out so I just ignored her. The man says again "when are you due" I said I have 8 more weeks left. He said "are they sure?" His wife says "just think how big she will be in 8 more weeks..." I left. Cried the whole way home. 


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