High-Risk Pregnancy

Progesterone shot question re: side effects

Anyone who gets the shots having trouble with side effects? I get the shot on Fridays. By Sunday I usually wake up with a head ache and Mondays are typically emotional disasters for me. I have had 7 weeks of shots now so I have been watching this pattern for the last few weeks and can only really attribute it to the progesterone. Obviously it could also be this preticular pregnancy for me which I think from the beginning has been waaay more emotional and hormonal then my last one. But usually I wake up Monday morning and can feel the crying session about to come on. I will remind myself to keep my mouth shut and just get through the day but usually the day ends in me totally over reacting to some minor disagreement with DH and then me in tears bawling my head off to the point I can't stop. Yesterday I totally lost my patience with my 13 month old which then made me feel like a total failure which just made the crying worse. I can barely take it! I can't imagine another 12 weeks of this!....Im just at a loss. I have a Dr. Apt on Friday and I plan to talk to her about this but thought I would ask you gals if anyone else has had this experience. Thanks!
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