High-Risk Pregnancy

Another scare already...

For Mobile: Another scare already...

I just introduced myself yesterday. I can't believe I'm already posting again already. On my way home from work last night my partner called to tell me she was having some mild cramping and hardening of her stomach (she figured contractions) - she had about three of them in a half hour and then they stopped. Since she had just gotten the cerclage in last Thursday (21w 1d) we figured it would be best to just call the OB, who told us to come into L&D. She showed two minor contractions during the time we were monitored, which they said was okay. The thing that's worrisome is that her cervix is measuring 1.6. The resident called our OB to talk about it and she said that's what it was measuring after the cerclage so to just go back home on the bedrest and do the follow up we have scheduled for tomorrow.

I was really hoping that there would have been some improvement to her cervix, but I guess we just have to take the small victory that things are not getting worse.... I am also assuming that this is just going to be how it is from now on - day by day - scares and all. It's just a lot to try and get "used to".

Just feeling a bit overwhelmed, although still holding hope!

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