Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Night bottle feedings

Mobile bumping here...

DS is 27 days old and is EFF. Last night and so far tonight, he is waking up more frequently and wants to eat but only takes 1ish ounces before passing out. Last night, he was up every 2 to 3 hours whereas in nights before that, he was going roughly 4 hours between feeds. Tonight, he just woke up less than 2 hours since his last feed. During the day, he averages 3.5 ounces a feed.

I am changing his diaper at each night feed which wakes him up and then he takes another ounce or so before passing out again so roughly 2 ounces total.

I'm guessing this isn't abnormal and just go with the flow? When he wakes crying, he takes to the bottle immediately so I assume that's why he's waking even though he isn't eat much. Any other thoughts on whether and how I should be trying to get him to eat more in these night feedings? Thanks!

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