Special Needs


I thought of your LO this weekend. We had an exciting birdcentric couple of days here on the cul de sac of broken dreams. On Friday night, I heard a funny bird call and looked up to see a Great Blue Heron on the roof of my neighbor's house near the chimney. DH thought it looked like the storks in Alsace, although I'm sure Mrs. Flanagan is post-menopausal. 

Sunday morning DH called me out to the deck in time to see a pileated woodpecker feeding on a tree hit by lightening last fall. But the part she would have been amazed by was when a huge golden eagle swooped into the yard with his prey and had brunch a mere 20 feet from my deck. This part was sort of gross. He had about a 5-6' wingspan. Seriously, he cast a shadow the size of the deck.

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