High-Risk Pregnancy


At 17 weeks I started having twisting pain in my lower abdomen right above my pubic bone the only way to describe it is like wringing out a sponge. At that time my MFM said that is fake contractions. I had them again at 19 weeks. 

Then Friday I had an endoscopy and when I woke up I was having them so they sent me to L&D, they didn't see anything on the monitors and my cervix was long and closed. Later Friday night my pain level increased to a 10 and it felt like an accordian. I was miserable for 7 hrs but didnt call anyone because they won't do anything and just think my stomach is acting up. When I woke up in the morning it felt like a truck had run me over I was so sore. Then later that day I went to the bank and the accordian started again and I was in so much pain I couldn't even talk to the teller.

I called my MFM today and went in she said everything looked fine and she didn't think they were contractions just my stomach bothering me. Now I have had my stomach for 30 years and have terrible stomach issues and never in my life have I felt anything like this. Does this sound like contractions or irritable uterus? I have an OB appt next week and will discuss it with her.

I feel like because I have stomach problems no one is taking me seriously. 

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