Birth Stories

Successful VBAC (repost from VBAC board)

I posted this the other day on the VBAC board but thought I would post it here but just got around to opening my laptop and fixing iphone typos ;)

 I had a successful VBAC on the 30th (two years to the day!) after my emergency CSection due to face presentation. Sorry for the long post! 

Two years ago I went into labor three days before due and was checked at hospital at 1cm but in total pain when admitting nurse accidentally broke my water. I got the epidural and quickly dilated to ten and started to push when they realized my daughter was a face presentation and immediately performed an emergency CSection. My doctor was optimistic I would have successful VBAC sine I went into labor and progressed quickly on my own. 

My practice generally won't let you VBAC after your due date but I begged to wait to schedule RCS for three days past my due date on 28th. On 29th at preop appt dr stripped my membranes but I was only 1cm dilated. By the evening I was having regular and uncomfortable contractions. We went to triage at 1am on 30th hoping to be admitted but waited 6 hours and made no progress. The contractions got progressively more painful though spaced apart so they sent me home. Dr never even saw me and I think triage nurse was not thrilled sending me home in that much pain and said I could stay if I couldn't handle it but would most likely turn into C Section. 

Went home and an hour later my husband called practice because I was crying in pain and felt like baby was pushing out of my butt (TMI?). They apparently didn't believe I was in active labor since I hadn't progressed just an hour ago so they sent me to drs office 2minutes away instead of hospital to be checked. I arrived right away screaming through contractions and doctor immediately checked me at ten cm and ready to push. Dr called ambulance since they consider VBAC too high risk to deliver on the spot obviously. Dr rode in ambulance with me and husband followed behind we still have no idea why he didn't ride with me. Contractions were on top of one another and they urged me to resist pushing. My water broke as we arrived at hospital and they wheeled me into delivery room and I pushed a few times and delivered with help of episiotomy just as husband arrived. Obviously no time for any meds :(

Not exactly the VBAC I was hoping for but if it hasn't been so fast it might not have happened. Thankfully baby was in good position and there were no complications. I felt like a billion bucks after delivering from adrenaline and the endorphins but am a little sore from episiotomy now but nothing compared to recovery from CSection. This baby latched right on and nurses constantly unlike his sister who struggled to latch from beginning. 

Baby Douglas shares his birthday with big sister Stella. She was able to visit him only an hour after he was born and we sang happy birthday to both of them :)


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