San Diego Babies

Toddler Play Group

Hello!  I am helping to organize a Toddler Play Group in the Rancho Bernardo / 4S Ranch / Sabre Springs / Poway / Carmel Mountain Ranch / etc. area. Events are geared towards toddlers, but mothers with babies & expecting moms are welcome to join and hang out with us while your child grows into toddlerhood. We do things like park play dates, home play dates, fair day, family bbq, pool gatherings, walks, etc!  Most of all we are always open to suggestions for new events. The group has an organizer, but is open to any members planning events so if you want to get more involved then just attending outings you have the freedom to do so.  We are currently looking for someone to be in charge of story time at one of the local libraries / bookstores each week as well as more people to host park play dates.  Come on over & join us! :)
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