TTC after 35

RE results & IUI cost/WWPD?

I met with my RE this morning to discus all of our test results and next steps. He suggested that we keep trying naturally for a few months (assuming my TSH number improves, which I'll know by the end of the week) and if that fails, we go to IUI. My insurance requires trying IUI first and if that fails, then they will pay for IVF. We decided to try this month and next month on our own, and if we're still not pregnant, we'll try IUI in August. I have excellent insurance right now. It will cover 100% of fertility treatments. However, my insurance is changing July 1st and while they will still cover 100% of the treatment, my RE will mo longer be in network. This means we will be responsible for 20% of the cost of the treatment with the doctor. Since the hospital is in network, everything done by nurses and stenographers will be covered 100%. If you've had IUI, what was the cost (roughly)? If you were in a similar situation, would continue with the same RE or find one that participates in the new network prior to beginning IF treatments? 


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