Blended Families

Had a great time

So I went to the wedding this weekend alone. And I had a GREAT time! I think I actually had a better time since DH wasn't there. Don't get me wrong. I would have loved for him to have come, but I probably would not have stayed for the whole reception and definitely would not have gone out with my old friends afterward if he had been there. I ended up being out til 1am! I saw so many old friends from college, and just had a blast. I didn't drink a drop since I was driving alone, of course, but it felt like I was actually only 23. Oh wait, I am 23! It was good to get out this weekend.

And a friend who drove in from Arkansas stayed the night at my grandmother's with me so she wouldn't have to make that late night trip back. And then I caught up with my bestie the next day.

And on top of it all, DH and I had a WONDERFUL evening when I got home last night and we were both ecstatic to see each other, like it had been forever. And we had a real heart to heart about some things, and he said he had done a lot.of thinking while I was gone. He said he could see so many areas where I was trying so hard and he was just running over me and taking it for granted. He actually laid out a few things he is going to do to make sure that we are his number one priority. He apologized and we both talked about what we were needing and lacking. And I was honest with myself and him, telling him what was building up some major resentment in me.

It has been an all out wonderful weekend!
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