Bed rest mamas: Pet peeves???


This is my 7th week on Bed rest. It's for preeclampsia but I will probably be induced soon...38-39 weeks! So I am almost there. Wondering if the rest of you are as grouchy as I am somedays...What are your pet peeves??? I am constantly on facebook because I am so bored....But I am beginning to hate FB but I can't quit. I get so annoyed with people's status's. Checking into all these places and out enjoying the weather, running outside...blah! So tempted to deactivate my acct. Also I am beginning to hate the constant everyday checking in on me from friends and relatives...."Have you had the baby yet? How are you feeling? How was your appt today?" Gets annoying answering these question 20 times a day...sometimes I just don't pick up the phone. I am getting really nervous about giving birth(FTM) so I get more anxious when everyone is telling me about how unpleasant it is. I also am sick of the comment.."well, good thing you have all this time to rest now...once the baby comes you will have no time to yourself" UGH! I feel like saying  have you been on bed rest for 7 have no idea! I want to go shopping/eat out/ CLEAN and organzise(nest) and I can't! Can anyone relate???? I keep this all inside and I appreciate everyone's concern and willing to help me but some days I just want to hide!