Babies: 0 - 3 Months

What are you using to help with Bowel movements?

I posted earlier that my newborn (she is 19 days old now) has went a few days without having a BM..the first time was just 24 hours, then had a few days with at least 1 BM a day, then went 48 hours without one.... When I asked Pedi about it, she told me to give it one more day and she mentioned if we needed to we can try karo syrup or prune juice to help move things along tho I don't know how much?... then the day I spoke to pedi she had a normal one for her, then the next day had one that seemed a bit thicker then usual...she has spats where she is grunting and pushing and seems uncomfortable. I give her gas drops at almost every feeding (she is on Similac Sensitive).she has now gone another 2 days with no BM, and my gut says she is just uncomfortable and that's why shes grunting and seems to be pushing...I hate just giving her gas drops or gripe water because I feel like its just masking the symptoms when maybe doing something to help her pass stools will help the actual problem....I do also massage her tummy, do bicycles, tried rectaI stimulation with a thermometer and give her a warm bath every 2-3 days...I do plan on calling pedi back on Monday to discuss but was hoping to get some feedback from you mommies :)  TIA
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